Uzumaki #1 by Junji Ito PDF Download

Uzumaki #1 by Junji Ito PDF Download

5.00 Avg rating1 Votes
Publisher: Shōgakkan
Genres: Horror Books, Graphic Novels, Fiction Books
Pages: 216 pages
ISBN10: 4091857213
ISBN13: 9784091857217
Tags: Horror Books, Graphic Novels, Fiction Books, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF

The story is set in a small town 'Kurouzu-cho' meaning 'black swirl town'. People around a high school girl, Goshima Kirie, become obsessed with swirl shapes and kill themselves in gruesome ways.

Shortly after Shuichi Saito's father becomes obsessed with spiral patterns, he dies mysteriously, his body positioned in the shape of a twisted coil, and soon the entire town is afflicted with a snail-like disease. A Graphic Novel. Original.

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