The Fortress of Solitude PDF Download

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Publisher: Faber & Faber
Genres: Fiction Books, Contemporary Fiction, New Adult
Pages: 511 pages
ISBN10: 0571219357
ISBN13: 9780571219353
Tags: Fiction Books, Contemporary Fiction, New Adult Books, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF

This is the story of two boys, Dylan Ebdus and Mingus Rude. They live in Brooklyn and are friends and neighbours; but since Dylan is white and Mingus is black, their friendship is not simple.This is the story of 1970s America, a time when the simplest decisions - what music you listen to, whether to speak to the kid in the seat next to you, whether to give up your lunch money - are laden with potential political, social and racial disaster. This is also the story of 1990s America, when nobody cared anymore. This is the story of what would happen if two teenaged boys obsessed with comic book heroes actually had superpowers - they would screw up their lives.


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