The Flying Troutmans PDF Download

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Publisher: Knopf Canada
Genres: Fiction Books, Contemporary Fiction, Literary & Memoirs
Pages: 288 pages
ISBN10: 0307397491
ISBN13: 9780307397492
Tags: Fiction Books, Contemporary Fiction, Literary & Memoirs, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF

"Min was stranded in her bed, hooked on the blue torpedoes and convinced that a million silver cars were closing in on her (I didn't know what Thebes meant either), Logan was in trouble at school, something about the disturbing stories he was writing, Thebes was pretending to be Min on the phone with his principal, the house was crumbling around them, the black screen door had blown off in the wind, a family of aggressive mice was living behind the piano, the neighbours were pissed off because of hatchets being thrown into their yard at night (again, confusing, something to do with Logan) … basically, things were out of control. And Thebes is only eleven." –fromThe Flying Troutmans

Days after being dumped by her boyfriend Marc in Paris – "he was heading off to an ashram and said we could communicate telepathically" – Hattie hears her sister Min has been checked into a psychiatric hospital, and finds herself flying back to Winnipeg to take care of Thebes and Logan, her niece and nephew. Not knowing what else to do, she loads the kids, a cooler, and a pile of CDs into their van and they set out on a road trip in search of the children's long-lost father, Cherkis.


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