

0.00 Avg rating0 Votes
Publisher: Independently Published
Genres: Free Books
Pages: 620 pages
ISBN10: 1674765419
ISBN13: 9781674765419
Tags: Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF
I'm one of four Willow daughters. He's the first-born son of the Scafoni family.
And we have history. For generations, the Scafoni family have demanded a sacrifice of us. A daughter to atone for sins so old, we don't even remember what they are anymore. But when you have as much money as they do, you don't play by the rules. You make them. And Sebastian Scafoni makes all the rules. The moment I saw him, I knew he would choose me. Even though the mark on my sheath declared me unclean. Even though my beautiful sisters stood beside me, offered to him, he still chose me. He made me his.And then he set out to break me. This set contains Taken, Torn and Twisted, the complete Dark Legacy Trilogy.


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