Russia : A History by Gregory L. Freeze PDF Download

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Publisher: Oxford University Press
Genres: European History, History Of Other Lands, History: Earliest Times To Present Day
Pages: 632 pages
ISBN10: 0199560412
ISBN13: 9780199560417
Tags: European History, History Of Other Lands Books, History: Earliest Times To Present Day, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF
Hailed by the Los Angeles Times as a brisk, exciting tour of Russia's long journey from its Kievan origins, Russia: A History cuts through the myths and mystery that have surrounded this nation from its earliest days, with startling revelations from classified archives that until recently
were not even known to exist. A distinguished team of historians has stripped away the propaganda of the past to tell the definitive story of Russia, from tenth-century Kiev and Muscovy through empire and revolution to the fall of Communism and the new order of the early 21st century. What emerges
is a nation of extremes--of imperial opulence and abject poverty, tyrannical power and subversive resistance, artistic achievement and economic crisis, glittering cities and frozen steppes. A compelling story in its own right, it is essential reading for anyone with an interest in Russia and its
place in the world. This new edition has been thoroughly updated to take into account developments under Vladimir Putin.


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