Ravaged Crown (Solovev Bratva #1) PDF Download

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Publisher: Nicole Fox
Genres: Romance Books, Dark Books, Contemporary Fiction
Authors: ,
Pages: 433 pages
ISBN13: 9798424602382
Tags: Romance Books, Dark Books, Contemporary Fiction, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF

What would you do if you walked in on your husband cheating? I'll tell you what I did: Ran out the door with nothing but the clothes on my back. A month later, I'm broke, jobless, almost homeless. But then, while filling in as a waitress at a fancy restaurant, I trip and land in the lap of a gorgeous stranger. One thing leads to another and we end up hooking up. Afterwards, he leaves. That's the end of that... right? WRONG. Because the next day, my temp agency sets me up for a job that seems too good to be true. But when I arrive for the interview, my jaw drops. It's the stranger. Turns out he's rich. Like, very rich. And powerful. Like, very powerful. And here's his offer: "Live in my house. Be my wife. Have my baby." Needless to say, I start to freak out. I stand up and stammer, "Um, I'll have to get back to you..." And he replies: "You're misunderstanding. It wasn't a question. You're not going anywhere." 


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