Putin's Russia by Anna Politkovskaya PDF Download

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Publisher: Harvill Press
Genres: European History, 21st Century History: From C 2000 -, Politics & Government
Authors: ,
Pages: 301 pages
ISBN10: 1843430509
ISBN13: 9781843430506
Tags: European History, 21st Century History: From C 2000 -, Politics & Government, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF
Former KGB spy Vladimir Putin, named Prime Minister of Russia in 1999 and, one year later, President, has been something of a media darling in the West, having successfully marketed himself as an enlightened leader with both feet planted firmly on the Eastern borders of Europe. Anti-establishment journalist and human-rights activist Anna Politkovskaya disagrees strenuously with this point of view. In her new book, she trains her steely gaze on, as she puts at, Putin without the rapture.From her privileged vantage-point at the heart of Russian current affairs, Politkovskaya reports from behind the scenes, dismantling both Putin the man and Putin the brand name, arguing that he is a power-hungry product of his own history in the security forces and so unable to prevent himself from stifling dissent and other civil liberties at every turn. After centuries of living under tyrants, Politkovskaya argues, this is not what contemporary Russians want.


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