One Hundred Names for Love

One Hundred Names for Love

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Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Genres: Biography & Memoir, Nonfiction
Pages: 336 pages
ISBN10: 0393341747
ISBN13: 9780393341744
Tags: Memoir Books, Biography Books, Nonfiction Books, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF
Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award

"A testament to the power of creativity in language, life—and love." —Heller McAlpin, Washington Post

It is a truism that lovers have their own language. And the love story—extending over more than forty years—of acclaimed writers Diane Ackerman and Paul West is equally a story of the love of language and its mysteries. In this heart-warming, uplifting memoir, Ackerman explores the brain’s ability to find and connect words—and of the latest science behind what happens when it fails to do so. Exposing both the terror of losing language and the giddy exhilaration of its recovery, Ackerman opens a window into the experience of wordlessness and testifies to the joyous necessity of wordplay for the health of both mind and spirit.


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