No-Drama Discipline PDF Download
A breakfast bowl gets thrown across the kitchen, splattering milk and cereal all over the wall. One of your kids threatens a younger sibling. You get a call from the principal's office for the third time this month. What do you do? Often, parenting is treated like some form of manipulation or behavioural coercion that must be kept secret from children. No-Drama Discipline, instead, is based on recent discoveries about the brain that give us deep insights into the children we care for, what they need, and how to discipline them in ways that foster optimal development. It offers a 'relational' approach that builds on children's innate desire to please their parents and get along well with others. Following the same successful formula that made The Whole-Brain Child a bestseller, No-Drama Discipline presents clear messages in a practical and inviting format to communicate its core concepts and practices. You can discipline your children in a way that's high on relationship-building, high on respect, and low on drama and conflict. As a result, your life as a parent will be easier, and your parenting will become more effective. And more importantly, you'll create connections in your children's brains to build emotional and social skills that will serve them now and throughout their entire life -- all while strengthening your relationship with them.