I've Tried Being Nice

I've Tried Being Nice

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Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Genres: Nonfiction, Biography & Memoir, Humor Books
Pages: 240 pages
ISBN10: 1982120347
ISBN13: 9781982120344
Tags: Nonfiction Books, Memoir Books, Humor Books, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF
New York Times bestselling author Ann Leary offers a literary feast of humor and wisdom told from the perspective of a recovering people pleaser.

Having arrived at a certain age (her prime), Ann Leary casts a wry backward glance at a life spent trying—and often failing—to be nice. With wit and surprising candor, Leary recounts the bedlam of home bat invasions, an obsession with online personality tests, and the mortification of taking ballroom dance lessons with her actor husband. She describes hilarious red-carpet fiascos and other observations from the sidelines of fame, while also touching upon her more poignant struggles with alcoholism, her love for her family, her dogs, and so much more.

Prepare to laugh, cry, cringe and revel in the comically relatable chaos of Ann Leary’s life as revealed in this delightful collection of essays.


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