I Call Upon Thee

I Call Upon Thee

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Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Genres: Horror Books, Paranormal Books, Fiction Books
Pages: 256 pages
ISBN10: 1476783772
ISBN13: 9781476783772
Tags: Horror Books, Paranormal Books, Fiction Books, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF
A terrifying e-novella from the bestselling author of The Devil Crept In, Brother, and Within These Walls.

Maggie Olsen had a pretty ordinary childhood—swimming and sleepovers, movie nights and dad jokes. And then there were the other things…the darker things…the shadow that followed her home from the cemetery and settled into the corners of her home, refusing to let her grow up in peace.

Now, after three years away from the place she's convinced she inadvertently haunted, and after yet another family tragedy strikes, Maggie is forced to return to the sweltering heat of a Savannah summer to come to terms with her past. All along, she's been telling herself, it was just in your head, and she nearly convinces herself that she'd imagined it all. But the moment Maggie steps into the foyer of her family home, she knows. The darkness is still here. And it's been waiting for Maggie's return….


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