Dawn of Forever

Dawn of Forever

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Publisher: Jewel E. Ann LLC
Genres: Romance Books, Dark Books, Suspense Books
Pages: 394 pages
ISBN10: 1735998265
ISBN13: 9781735998268
Tags: Romance Books, Dark Books, Suspense Books, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF
'til death do us part.

Aric James Monaghan promised Jillian Knight Portland. With a heavy heart and a light bag, she travels to the West Coast for the man she loved. In a blink her worlds collide, holding her hostage to a past filled with lies, deceit, and revenge.

Four Caskets
Two Bodies
It all started with a boy and a girl-their tragic love story is shared through the eyes of the enemy.

Every word fades dreams and shatters memories as life slips away. Jillian needs a Knight, Jessica needs a miracle, and together they need a savior.


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