City of Books PDF Download

5.00 Avg rating1 Votes
Publisher: SparkPress
Genres: Fiction Books, Contemporary Fiction
Pages: 304 pages
ISBN10: 1684632463
ISBN13: 9781684632466
Tags: Fiction Books, Contemporary Fiction, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF
Jo Waterstone knows what you should read next. She’s honed the skill of sizing up a person and recommending their next book in the decades she’s worked at Bruebaker’s Books. Her life has been shaped by the store, the bustle of customers exploring the stacks, and managing the eager staff. She can honestly say it’s the best job she’s ever had.

Then the store’s elderly owner, Mr. Bruebaker, suffers a stroke, and just like that Jo’s perfect job is on the chopping block. Mr. B’s daughters and the bookstore’s icy CEO think the time is right to close for good, and they order Jo to lock up. But she doesn’t know what she would be without Bruebaker’s—and besides, the place is an institution. So instead of following orders, she decides to take a stand: along with a few brave team members, she barricades herself in the store, trying to buy time until Mr. Bruebaker recovers and can speak for himself.

Living in a bookstore has a certain magic to it, but the quiet hours among the books throw the choices Jo has made in her life into sharp relief. As supporters—and detractors—start to voice their opinions about her actions, Jo will have to decide what, exactly, is worth saving.


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