Captain Underpants and the Big Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, Part 2 #7 PDF Download

Captain Underpants and the Big Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, Part 2 #7 PDF Download

5.00 Avg rating1 Votes
Publisher: Scholastic
Genres: Fiction Books, Children's Books, Humor Books
Pages: 175 pages
ISBN10: 0439977722
ISBN13: 9780439977722
Tags: Fiction Books, Children's Books, Humor Books, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF

A snotty situation ensues when Melvin Sneedley, an academically-gifted student, turns into the Bionic Booger Boy and must be stopped by George, Harold, and Captain Underpants.

Just when George and Harold thought they were safe - here come the robo-boogers! Disgusting and dangerous crosses between hi-tech wizardry and, well . snot, they're out to take over the world. Have your hankies ready!

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