Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets #2 PDF Download

Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets #2 PDF Download

5.00 Avg rating1 Votes
Publisher: Scholastic
Genres: Children's Books, Fiction Books, Humor Books
Pages: 136 pages
ISBN10: 0439995442
ISBN13: 9780439995443
Tags: Fiction Books, Children's Books, Humor Books, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF

Not so long ago, George and Harold created the greatest superhero in the history of their school - and brought him to life by mistake! But that was only the start... Now the boys have accidentally created a whole army of evil, vicious talking toilets intent on taking over the world!!! Someone needs to flush them out!

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