Bluebeard's Egg

Bluebeard's Egg

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Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Genres: Short Stories, Fiction Books, Literary & Memoirs
Pages: 256 pages
ISBN10: 0385491042
ISBN13: 9780385491044
Tags: Short Stories, Fiction Books, Literary & Memoirs, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF
By turns humorous and warm, stark and poignant, these stories from the bestselling author of The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments probe childhood memories, the reality of parents growing old, and the casual cruelty men and women can inflict on one another.

A tenuous teenage love affair fails to survive a hurricane; a man notices the women around him becoming progressively paler and smaller; a surgeon who specializes in hearts seems oddly emotionally opaque to his wife; a middle-aged couple’s waning affection rekindles at the spectacle of rare Jamaican birds. In these exceptional short stories, Margaret Atwood proves herself once again a true master of the form.


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