Beneath the Skin PDF Download
They are three very different women; Zoe, the pretty blond schoolteacher - Jenny, the former hand model turned model mother and wife - and Nadia, the irrepressible free spirit who entertains at children's parties. They live in different parts of London, grapple with different problems, harbor different dreams. But when they are targeted by a sadistic killer, they become sisters beneath the skin. Suddenly they all share the same dread when they approach their doorsteps, fall victim to the same rising panic as darkness falls. For someone is sending threatening letters, macabre notes that let each one know she is being watched, studied. The pursuer is clever and coldly calculating, a sexual predator who takes pleasure in each woman's pain, feeds on each one's fears, and glories when their lives are turned upside down. At first the police - and even the women - refuse to take the threats seriously. But eventually Zoe, Jenny, and Nadia each come to the horrifying realization that there will be no white knight riding to the rescue. Each is on her own, as someone exposes each one's secrets, relationships strain and shatter, and each women finds herself scrutinized by the police as they search for a suspect who could be anyone; a neighbor, a lover, a co-worker, even an absolute stranger.