American Salvage PDF Download

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Publisher: National Geographic Books
Genres: Short Stories, Fiction Books, Literary & Memoirs
Pages: 192 pages
ISBN10: 0393339192
ISBN13: 9780393339192
Tags: Short Stories, Fiction Books, Literary & Memoirs, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: PDF Book
Type: PDF
American Salvage is rich with local color and peopled with rural characters who love and hate extravagantly. They know how to fix cars and washing machines, how to shoot and clean game, and how to cook up methamphetamine, but they have not figured out how to prosper in the twenty-first century. Through the complex inner lives of working-class characters, Bonnie Jo Campbell illustrates the desperation of post-industrial America, where wildlife, jobs, and whole ways of life go extinct and the people have no choice but to live off what is left behind.


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