Monty Jay

Monty Jay

Information about the author Monty Jay will soon be added to the site.
Found 6 books in total
The Oath We Give
"On this day, I vow to make your rage my own, to weather the storm of your revenge, and...
Love and Hockey
NHL's golden boy, Bishop Maverick, knows all too well how a haunting past can taint...
The Lies We Steal
"It's been months since the day we stood above that empty grave that stunk of burnt...
The Truths We Burn
Beneath the deepest parts of Ponderosa Springs lied secrets that we never meant to be...
The Blood We Crave
"Will obsession be enough? I'd aways believed my love was enough to save him. To...
The Blood We Crave
My secrets are infested with infatuation. His cravings are dripping in blood. Is it...
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