Jasper Fforde

Jasper Fforde

Information about the author Jasper Fforde will soon be added to the site.
Found 5 books in total
The Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime #1) PDF Download
Enter the world of the Nursery Crime Division in this novel from Jasper Fforde, the...
Something Rotten (Thursday Next #4) PDF Download
The fourth installment in Jasper Fforde’s New York Times bestselling series follows...
The Well of Lost Plots (Thursday Next #3) PDF Download
The third installment in Jasper Fforde’s New York Times bestselling series follows...
Lost in a Good Book (Thursday Next #2) PDF Download
The second installment in Jasper Fforde’s New York Times bestselling series follows...
The Eyre Affair (Thursday Next #1) PDF Download
Meet Thursday Next, literary detective without equal, fear or boyfriend Jasper...
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